Corporate Solutions

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Fire and Allied Perils Insurance

Fire Insurance provides insurance protection against loss by fire and/or lightning. Additionally, it may include coverage against loss by earthquake, windstorm and other allied risks. Such risks are/can be covered by and extension to fire insurance policies or under separate policies. It is one of the most burning problems in Bangladesh, as fire incidents in Bangladesh has tripled over the last 22 years.

* for further information of quotes and specifications contact us call us at +8809606991991
 or send us an email at [email protected]

Marine and Hull Insurance

The Marine Insurance offered in Bangladesh covers the risk of any sea and river vessels owned by individuals or legal entities against, total loss and/or partial damage of the vessel, collision damage liability, general or average and salvage coverage, loss of freight on board, loss of disbursements against Letter of Credit.

Additional coverage in such cases are also available for smaller vessels and watercrafts.

* for further information of quotes and specifications contact us call us at +8809606991991
 or send us an email at [email protected]

All Risk Insurance

This policy provides insurance coverage for all risk associated with a property, whilst situated at the described premises against, loss and/or damage due to any accidental misfortune. In comparison to the Fire and Allied Perils Policy, the Property All Risks Policy covers accidental damage to the insured’s property, in addition to the Fire & Allied Perils and Burglary.

* for further information of quotes and specifications contact us call us at +8809606991991
 or send us an email at [email protected]

Industrial All Risk Insurance

Covers the risk of any damage to the stock of products, building and assets inside the defined area, from natural perils such as flood, windstorm, tsunami, hail.

It also accounts other perils such as explosion, fire, lightning, collision with other vehicles, burglary with any forcible entry trace, robbery, gang robbery and accidents.

The insurance policy is best suited for an enterprise, which has: bulk production and stock of products apart from product selling stock. These businesses are advised and also may require more coverage other than fire.

* for further information of quotes and specifications contact us call us at +8809606991991
 or send us an email at [email protected]

Electronic Equipment and Computer Insurance: also offers extensive cover for all the gadgets in a corporate house, with a wide definition of Insured Property to cater for the latest types of computer and digital electronic equipment. The policy could be worded variably to specifically meet the needs of both owner and/or hirers of the electronic equipment. Bribing the police to retrieve GPS data can now be your secondary option, with such cyber security risks, you might as well write that risk off.

* for further information of quotes and specifications contact us call us at +8809606991991
 or send us an email at [email protected]

Aviation Insurance

The Aviation Insurance referred to the universally recognized insurance for aircraft carriers with standard conditions. The aviation insurance is issued for airline operators, who keeps these insurance policies for legally operating or for covering risks pretraining to the carrier or else advised. In general, aviation refers to the aircraft, that is to say, hull and machinery of the aircraft including unmanned air drone insurance in Bangladesh.

Coverage may include, Insurance of the aircraft itself against loss or damage, Insurance of legal act liability to third parties and passengers. Insurance of pilots, co-pilots, cabin crews and ground staff for personal accident could also be covered as part of a comprehensive policy. Insurance of pilots against loss of professional license, a. loss or damage to cargo carried.

* for further information of quotes and specifications contact us call us at +8809606991991
 or send us an email at [email protected]

Professional Indemnity Insurance

It protects your business against the risk of conceiving legal costs and/or claims by third parties for damages arising from violation of acts, omissions or breaches of professional responsibility in the course of your business operation in Bangladesh. It could can be designed to cover for damages/risks of multiple stakeholders of your product or service.

We welcome you to the realms of a developed world, afford transparency and embrace the future with courage. As well as making your products safe from any unforeseen risks, it will add better value for your products anywhere.

* for further information of quotes and specifications contact us call us at +8809606991991
 or send us an email at [email protected]

Comprehensive Machinery Insurance:

Comprehensive Machinery insurance as a part or individually apart from the industry all risk insurance offers wide and comprehensive protection against property damage and loss of profits for an entire plant in operation, including other properties or assets like buildings, stocks in hand, goods in line, etc.

This new generation insurance policy is designed specially to grant risk coverage for entire plants; in places where engineering risks are prevailing. In contrast to industrial all risk which covers risks from exposure to fire hazards and extended allied perils that are of significant priority.

* for further information of quotes and specifications contact us call us at +8809606991991
 or send us an email at [email protected]

Comprehensive General Liability (CGL):

It is a corporate business insurance policy that helps pay for multiple lawsuits over slip-and-fall accidents, product liability, and advertising accidents.

Contractors abroad who undertake large infrastructure projects for works or service in industries like energy plants, crude oil and gas extraction and refinery, telecommunication networks, large scale engineering plans, IT projects etc; commonly acquire Comprehensive General Liability (CGL) for minimizing the risks of any damages to specified stake holders, since the project is of a large scale the damages are uncertain and thus large projects world wide take in CGL for the greater good of everyone.

* for further information of quotes and specifications contact us call us at +8809606991991
 or send us an email at [email protected]

Directors and Officers Liability (D&O):

The directors and officer’s liability Insurance is a corporate only insurance coverage, designed as such that it covers risk pertaining to the directors and officers of a company, or to the whole organization itself. The policy provides for reimbursement for losses or advancement/proceedings of defense costs in the event an insured suffers losses as a result of a legal action brought for an alleged wrongful act in their capacity as directors, officers or company representatives.

Such coverage can extend allow companies to proceed operations without risking the shareholders concern, also as it provides the defense costs arising out of criminal and regulatory investigations/trials as well it prevents any impact directly on the company in the event of such accidents or misunderstandings, which allows for smoother operations; in fact, often civil and criminal actions are brought against directors/officers simultaneously and thus the risks are not just limited to someone, it is very risky for a company in this modern world to go abiding the changing laws every moment and thus although someone or some action may ripple into a law suit, the Directors and Officers Liability covers risks for the whole organization, such that it keeps the operations functional.

Many More Professional Insurance Options and are available for Corporate Insurance Quotation at

For more business options, quotes and queries:

Call us at: +8809606991991
 Send an email at: [email protected]
