Guardian Life Health Insurance Plans
Choose The Best Health Insurance Plan for Yourself and Your Family
  • Plan Name
    Guardian Assurance
  • Coverage
  • Insurance Provider
    Guardian Life Insurance

Guardian Assurance

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Guardian Life Insurance
Insurance Provider
Guardian Life Insurance
Policy Duration
1 Year
Number of People Covered

Coverage for in-patient treatment in a registered hospital
30 days waiting period.

Coverage for out-patient department services
60 days waiting period.

Coverage for doctor visits in outdoor department

Coverage for diagnostic tests in the outdoor department

Lump sum benefit paid to the legal nominee if the Insured Person dies.
0 days waiting period.

Fixed amount/Percentage of medical expenses that are not paid by the insurance company

Coverage for pre-existing conditions/illnesses

The period after taking an insurance policy during which you cannot make any claim

Refund of premium if there is no claim during the policy period

Coverage for maternity/child-birth related issues

Coverage for hospitalization/treatments abroad

Maximum number of days covered per Hospitalization

Waiting Periods:

  • Hospitalization: 30 days. Not applicable in case of accident-related treatment or insurance coverage renewal in subsequent years.
  • Out-Patient (OPD) Service: 60 days. Not applicable in case of accident-related treatment or insurance coverage renewal in subsequent years.
  • An extended waiting period of 180 days is applicable for selected ENT, Gynecological, Orthopedic, Gastrointestinal, Urogenital, and other conditions. Please refer to section 4.6, Waiting Period of the Policy Wording, for further details.


  • A Medical Practitioner’s recommendation is required for any Hospitalization.
  • A minimum of 24 (twenty-four) hours of hospital stay shall require for any Hospitalization claims. No minimum period of Hospitalization is required if such Hospitalization is in connection with a surgical procedure.
  • Maximum coverage for Hospitalization coverage shall be for 5 consecutive nights per hospital admission for each Insured Person. Successive Hospitalization within 90 days due to the same or different disability is considered as a single confinement.
  • No pre & post Hospitalization expenses shall be covered under IPD.
  • Pro Rata Payment of Inpatient/ Outpatient Claim: If any Policyholder is also covered for similar benefits under any other insurance contract, then payment of the claim shall be made on pro-rata basis after taking into account the coverages under all contracts. 
  • Maximum 5 Doctor Visits shall be covered under Out-Patient Service (OPD) Coverage.
  • One person can avail of a maximum aggregated Death Coverage of Five Lac Taka (BDT. 500,000) from Guardian Life Insurance
  • One person can avail of a maximum aggregated Hospitalization Coverage of Fifty Thousand Taka (BDT. 50,000) from Guardian Life Insurance
  • One person can avail of a maximum aggregated OPD Coverage of Ten Thousand Taka (BDT. 10,000) from Guardian Life Insurance

Exclusions: Death

  • Suicide

Exclusions: Hospitalization/Out-Patient Service (OPD)

  • Any treatment during the applicable Waiting Periods
  • Pre-existing Conditions
  • Congenital Conditions/Congenital infirmity
  • Non-Allopathic and Experimental Treatment
  • Treatment provided by a medical practitioner who is not recognized by the Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council
  • Hospitalization or Injury due to any illegal activities/breach of law
  • War, or any act of war, invasion, act of foreign enemy, warlike operations (whether war be declared or not), civil war, usurped act, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, nuclear weapons/materials, chemical and biological weapons and radiation of any kind
  • Military Services - Involvement in the naval, military, or air force operations
  • A direct consequence of participation by the Policyholder in any flying activity other than on a scheduled commercial airline as a bona fide passenger (whether fare paying or not), pilot, or crew member
  • Hazardous Activities - participation or involvement in racing, diving, scuba diving, parachuting, hanggliding, rock or mountain climbing
  • Self-Inflicted injuries or attempted suicide
  • Substance Misuse and De-addiction
  • Rehabilitation and Convalescence
  • Cosmetic treatments
  • Sleep and obesity treatments
  • Hormone Replacement Therapy
  • Dental and optical treatments
  • Routine eye and ear examinations, cost of spectacles, laser surgery for correction of refractory errors, contact lenses, hearing aids, dentures, and artificial teeth
  •  Sexually transmitted diseases and other sexual problems
  • Circumcision - unless necessary for the treatment of a disease or necessitated by an accident
  • Birth Control and Assisted Reproduction/Infertility
  • Pregnancy, childbirth, maternity
  • Psychological disorders - treatment of mental illness, stress, psychiatric or psychological disorder
  • Charges incurred primarily for diagnostic, X-ray, or laboratory examination not consistent with or not incidental to the diagnosis and treatment of positive existence or presence of any Illness or Injury for which inpatient hospitalization is required
  • Expenses of Insured Person as Donor, or cost of Donor
  • Failure to take Reasonable Medical Care
  • Any treatment or part of a treatment that is not of a reasonable and customary charge, not medically necessary, drugs or treatments which are not supported by a prescription
  •  Immunization & Nutritional treatment
  • Nuclear Reaction - injury, destruction, or damage caused by nuclear fission, nuclear fusion, or irradiation

*Please read the policy wording document for detailed terms and conditions of this insurance policy.

Policy Wording File

Download - guardian-assurence-self.pdf May 21, 2023 10:50 PM, Sun (1 year ago)

1. Online Method: Browse the claim portal (Click Here) from the Easylife/Guardianlife website for online claim submission and then select the claim button with the following information:

  • Policy ID/Member ID.
  • Insert 6-digit OTP to verify the mobile number (which is given in policy inception time).
  • Select the Claim Type.
  • Insert the Date of Admission and Discharge.
  • Input the amount of the claim as per the contract paper.
  • Upload the required documents.
  • Place the claim

2. Offline Method: Call the Company’s (Guardian Life) hotline number: 16622, to notify regarding the claim by the Policyholder or his/her nominee. An executive will call back that number and verify some information in line with the online claim request.

Guardian Life Insurance Executive shall then guide the Policyholder/Nominee to send the necessary documents. It can be a soft copy by email/portal upload or a hard copy of required documents by post/courier depending on the claim type.


1. For Death Claim: 

  • Death Claim Application Form duly fill-up by Nominee/ Guardian of Nominee.
  • Bank details and a photocopy of the Nominee/ Guardian of Nominee.
  • Copy of Death Certificate from Union Parishad/Paurashava/City Corporation/Cantonment Board/Hospital
  • Copy of NID of Policyholder and Nominee/ Guardian of Nominee.
  • In case of Accidental Death FIR, Post Mortem Report, Inquest Report, (if post-mortem report is unavailable, Magistrate or Officer In-charge permission to conduct burial without post-mortem)
  • Copy of other supporting medical documents (If Applicable)

2. For Hospitalization/Hospicash/IPD/OPD:

  • Claim Application Form
  • Copy of doctor’s prescription
  • Copy of diagnostic reports with X-Ray film (When applicable)
  • Original bills/money receipt (Copy/ Scan copy)
  • Discharge Certificate from Hospital/Clinic
  • Physician‘s written advice/prescription for hospital admission except in case of emergency situation
  • Any supporting documents as per merit of the disease /condition
After examining the documents Policyholder/Nominee shall be informed if need any clarifications or supporting documents. All submitted documents shall be verified by contacting with Policyholder, nominee and/ or other concerned persons/organizations if required.

If all the submitted documents comply with the contract benefit coverage, a claim shall be settled, disbursed and communicated accordingly with the Policyholder or his/her nominee.
  • Plan Name
    Guardian Assurance Plus
  • Coverage
  • Insurance Provider
    Guardian Life Insurance

Guardian Assurance Plus

Back to quotes

Guardian Life Insurance
Insurance Provider
Guardian Life Insurance
Policy Duration
1 Year
Number of People Covered

Lump-sum benefit for specific Critical Illnesses
180 days waiting period.

Coverage for in-patient treatment in a registered hospital
30 days waiting period.

Coverage for out-patient department services
60 days waiting period.

Coverage for doctor visits in outdoor department

Coverage for diagnostic tests in the outdoor department

Lump sum benefit paid to the legal nominee if the Insured Person dies.
0 days waiting period.

Fixed amount/Percentage of medical expenses that are not paid by the insurance company

Coverage for pre-existing conditions/illnesses

The period after taking an insurance policy during which you cannot make any claim

Refund of premium if there is no claim during the policy period

Coverage for maternity/child-birth related issues

Coverage for hospitalization/treatments abroad

Maximum number of days covered per Hospitalization

Waiting Periods:

  • Hospitalization: 30 days. Not applicable in case of accident-related treatment or insurance coverage renewal in subsequent years.
  • Out-Patient (OPD) Service: 60 days. Not applicable in case of accident-related treatment or insurance coverage renewal in subsequent years.
  • Critical Illness: 180 days. Not applicable in case of coverage renewal in subsequent years.
  • An extended waiting period of 180 days is applicable for selected ENT, Gynecological, Orthopedic, Gastrointestinal, Urogenital, and other conditions. Please refer to section 4.6, Waiting Period of the Policy Wording, for further details.


  • A Medical Practitioner’s recommendation is required for any Hospitalization.
  • A minimum of 24 (twenty-four) hours of hospital stay shall require for any Hospitalization claims. No minimum period of Hospitalization is required if such Hospitalization is in connection with a surgical procedure.
  • Maximum coverage for Hospitalization coverage shall be for 5 consecutive nights per hospital admission for each Insured Person. Successive Hospitalization within 90 days due to the same or different disability is considered as a single confinement.
  • No pre & post Hospitalization expenses shall be covered under IPD.
  • Pro Rata Payment of Inpatient/ Outpatient Claim: If any Policyholder is also covered for similar benefits under any other insurance contract, then payment of the claim shall be made on pro-rata basis after taking into account the coverages under all contracts. 
  • Maximum 5 Doctor Visits shall be covered under Out-Patient Service (OPD) Coverage.
  • One person can avail of a maximum aggregated Death Coverage of Five Lac Taka (BDT. 500,000) from Guardian Life Insurance.
  • One person can avail of a maximum aggregated Hospitalization Coverage of Fifty Thousand Taka (BDT. 50,000) from Guardian Life Insurance.
  • One person can avail of a maximum aggregated OPD Coverage of Ten Thousand Taka (BDT. 10,000) from Guardian Life Insurance.

Exclusions: Death

  • Suicide

Exclusions: Hospitalization/Out-Patient Service (OPD)

  • Any treatment during the applicable Waiting Periods
  • Pre-existing Conditions
  • Congenital Conditions/Congenital infirmity
  • Non-Allopathic and Experimental Treatment
  • Treatment provided by a medical practitioner who is not recognized by the Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council
  • Hospitalization or Injury due to any illegal activities/breach of law
  • War, or any act of war, invasion, act of foreign enemy, warlike operations (whether war be declared or not), civil war, usurped act, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, nuclear weapons/materials, chemical and biological weapons and radiation of any kind
  • Military Services - Involvement in the naval, military, or air force operations
  • A direct consequence of participation by the Policyholder in any flying activity other than on a scheduled commercial airline as a bona fide passenger (whether fare paying or not), pilot, or crew member
  • Hazardous Activities - participation or involvement in racing, diving, scuba diving, parachuting, hanggliding, rock or mountain climbing
  • Self-Inflicted injuries or attempted suicide
  • Substance Misuse and De-addiction
  • Rehabilitation and Convalescence
  • Cosmetic treatments
  • Sleep and obesity treatments
  • Hormone Replacement Therapy
  • Dental and optical treatments
  • Routine eye and ear examinations, cost of spectacles, laser surgery for correction of refractory errors, contact lenses, hearing aids, dentures, and artificial teeth
  •  Sexually transmitted diseases and other sexual problems
  • Circumcision - unless necessary for the treatment of a disease or necessitated by an accident
  • Birth Control and Assisted Reproduction/Infertility
  • Pregnancy, childbirth, maternity
  • Psychological disorders - treatment of mental illness, stress, psychiatric or psychological disorder
  • Charges incurred primarily for diagnostic, X-ray, or laboratory examination not consistent with or not incidental to the diagnosis and treatment of positive existence or presence of any Illness or Injury for which inpatient hospitalization is required
  • Expenses of Insured Person as Donor, or cost of Donor
  • Failure to take Reasonable Medical Care
  • Any treatment or part of a treatment that is not of a reasonable and customary charge, not medically necessary, drugs or treatments which are not supported by a prescription
  •  Immunization & Nutritional treatment
  • Nuclear Reaction - injury, destruction, or damage caused by nuclear fission, nuclear fusion, or irradiation

*Please read the policy wording document for detailed terms and conditions of this insurance policy.

Policy Wording File

Download - guardian-assurence-plus-self.pdf May 23, 2023 12:52 AM, Tue (1 year ago)

1. Online Method: Browse the claim portal (Click Here) from the Easylife/Guardianlife website for online claim submission and then select the claim button with the following information:

  • Policy ID/Member ID.
  • Insert 6-digit OTP to verify the mobile number (which is given in policy inception time).
  • Select the Claim Type.
  • Insert the Date of Admission and Discharge.
  • Input the amount of the claim as per the contract paper.
  • Upload the required documents.
  • Place the claim

2. Offline Method: Call the Company’s (Guardian Life) hotline number: 16622, to notify regarding the claim by the Policyholder or his/her nominee. An executive will call back that number and verify some information in line with the online claim request.

Guardian Life Insurance Executive shall then guide the Policyholder/Nominee to send the necessary documents. It can be a soft copy by email/portal upload or a hard copy of required documents by post/courier depending on the claim type.


1. For Death Claim: 

  • Death Claim Application Form duly fill-up by Nominee/ Guardian of Nominee.
  • Bank details and a photocopy of the Nominee/ Guardian of Nominee.
  • Copy of Death Certificate from Union Parishad/Paurashava/City Corporation/Cantonment Board/Hospital
  • Copy of NID of Policyholder and Nominee/ Guardian of Nominee.
  • In case of Accidental Death FIR, Post Mortem Report, Inquest Report, (if post-mortem report is unavailable, Magistrate or Officer In-charge permission to conduct burial without post-mortem)
  • Copy of other supporting medical documents (If Applicable)

2. For Hospitalization/Hospicash/IPD/OPD:

  • Claim Application Form
  • Copy of doctor’s prescription
  • Copy of diagnostic reports with X-Ray film (When applicable)
  • Original bills/money receipt (Copy/ Scan copy)
  • Discharge Certificate from Hospital/Clinic
  • Physician‘s written advice/prescription for hospital admission except in case of emergency situation
  • Any supporting documents as per merit of the disease /condition
After examining the documents Policyholder/Nominee shall be informed if need any clarifications or supporting documents. All submitted documents shall be verified by contacting with Policyholder, nominee and/ or other concerned persons/organizations if required.

If all the submitted documents comply with the contract benefit coverage, a claim shall be settled, disbursed and communicated accordingly with the Policyholder or his/her nominee.
  • Plan Name
    Guardian Assurance Ultra
  • Coverage
  • Insurance Provider
    Guardian Life Insurance

Guardian Assurance Ultra

Back to quotes

Guardian Life Insurance
Insurance Provider
Guardian Life Insurance
Policy Duration
1 Year
Number of People Covered

Coverage for in-patient treatment in a registered hospital
30 days waiting period.

Coverage for out-patient department services
60 days waiting period.

Coverage for doctor visits in outdoor department

Coverage for diagnostic tests in the outdoor department

Lump-sum benefit for specific Critical Illnesses
180 days waiting period.

Lump sum benefit paid to the legal nominee if the Insured Person dies.
0 days waiting period.

Fixed amount/Percentage of medical expenses that are not paid by the insurance company

Coverage for pre-existing conditions/illnesses

The period after taking an insurance policy during which you cannot make any claim

Refund of premium if there is no claim during the policy period

Coverage for maternity/child-birth related issues

Coverage for hospitalization/treatments abroad

Maximum number of days covered per Hospitalization

Waiting Periods:

  • Hospitalization: 30 days. Not applicable in case of accident-related treatment or insurance coverage renewal in subsequent years.
  • Out-Patient (OPD) Service: 60 days. Not applicable in case of accident-related treatment or insurance coverage renewal in subsequent years.
  • Critical Illness: 180 days. Not applicable in case of coverage renewal in subsequent years.
  • An extended waiting period of 180 days is applicable for selected ENT, Gynecological, Orthopedic, Gastrointestinal, Urogenital, and other conditions. Please refer to section 4.6, Waiting Period of the Policy Wording, for further details.


  • A Medical Practitioner’s recommendation is required for any Hospitalization.
  • A minimum of 24 (twenty-four) hours of hospital stay shall require for any Hospitalization claims. No minimum period of Hospitalization is required if such Hospitalization is in connection with a surgical procedure.
  • Maximum coverage for Hospitalization coverage shall be for 5 consecutive nights per hospital admission for each Insured Person. Successive Hospitalization within 90 days due to the same or different disability is considered as a single confinement.
  • No pre & post Hospitalization expenses shall be covered under IPD.
  • Pro Rata Payment of Inpatient/ Outpatient Claim: If any Policyholder is also covered for similar benefits under any other insurance contract, then payment of the claim shall be made on pro-rata basis after taking into account the coverages under all contracts.
  • Maximum 5 Doctor Visits shall be covered under Out-Patient Service (OPD) Coverage.
  • One person can avail of a maximum aggregated Death Coverage of Five Lac Taka (BDT. 500,000) from Guardian Life Insurance
  • One person can avail of a maximum aggregated Hospitalization Coverage of Fifty Thousand Taka (BDT. 50,000) from Guardian Life Insurance
  • One person can avail of a maximum aggregated OPD Coverage of Ten Thousand Taka (BDT. 10,000) from Guardian Life Insurance

Exclusions: Death

  • Suicide

Exclusions: Hospitalization/Out-Patient Service (OPD)

  • Any treatment during the applicable Waiting Periods
  • Pre-existing Conditions
  • Congenital Conditions/Congenital infirmity
  • Non-Allopathic and Experimental Treatment
  • Treatment provided by a medical practitioner who is not recognized by the Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council
  • Hospitalization or Injury due to any illegal activities/breach of law
  • War, or any act of war, invasion, act of foreign enemy, warlike operations (whether war be declared or not), civil war, usurped act, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, nuclear weapons/materials, chemical and biological weapons and radiation of any kind
  • Military Services - Involvement in the naval, military, or air force operations
  • A direct consequence of participation by the Policyholder in any flying activity other than on a scheduled commercial airline as a bona fide passenger (whether fare paying or not), pilot, or crew member
  • Hazardous Activities - participation or involvement in racing, diving, scuba diving, parachuting, hanggliding, rock or mountain climbing
  • Self-Inflicted injuries or attempted suicide
  • Substance Misuse and De-addiction
  • Rehabilitation and Convalescence
  • Cosmetic treatments
  • Sleep and obesity treatments
  • Hormone Replacement Therapy
  • Dental and optical treatments
  • Routine eye and ear examinations, cost of spectacles, laser surgery for correction of refractory errors, contact lenses, hearing aids, dentures, and artificial teeth
  •  Sexually transmitted diseases and other sexual problems
  • Circumcision - unless necessary for the treatment of a disease or necessitated by an accident
  • Birth Control and Assisted Reproduction/Infertility
  • Pregnancy, childbirth, maternity
  • Psychological disorders - treatment of mental illness, stress, psychiatric or psychological disorder
  • Charges incurred primarily for diagnostic, X-ray, or laboratory examination not consistent with or not incidental to the diagnosis and treatment of positive existence or presence of any Illness or Injury for which inpatient hospitalization is required
  • Expenses of Insured Person as Donor, or cost of Donor
  • Failure to take Reasonable Medical Care
  • Any treatment or part of a treatment that is not of a reasonable and customary charge, not medically necessary, drugs or treatments which are not supported by a prescription
  •  Immunization & Nutritional treatment
  • Nuclear Reaction - injury, destruction, or damage caused by nuclear fission, nuclear fusion, or irradiation

*Please read the policy wording document for detailed terms and conditions of this insurance policy.

Policy Wording File

Download - guardian-assurence-ultra-self.pdf May 31, 2023 4:15 PM, Wed (1 year ago)

1. Online Method: Browse the claim portal (Click Here) from the Easylife/Guardianlife website for online claim submission and then select the claim button with the following information:

  • Policy ID/Member ID.
  • Insert 6-digit OTP to verify the mobile number (which is given in policy inception time).
  • Select the Claim Type.
  • Insert the Date of Admission and Discharge.
  • Input the amount of the claim as per the contract paper.
  • Upload the required documents.
  • Place the claim

2. Offline Method: Call the Company’s (Guardian Life) hotline number: 16622, to notify regarding the claim by the Policyholder or his/her nominee. An executive will call back that number and verify some information in line with the online claim request.

Guardian Life Insurance Executive shall then guide the Policyholder/Nominee to send the necessary documents. It can be a soft copy by email/portal upload or a hard copy of required documents by post/courier depending on the claim type.


1. For Death Claim: 

  • Death Claim Application Form duly fill-up by Nominee/ Guardian of Nominee.
  • Bank details and a photocopy of the Nominee/ Guardian of Nominee.
  • Copy of Death Certificate from Union Parishad/Paurashava/City Corporation/Cantonment Board/Hospital
  • Copy of NID of Policyholder and Nominee/ Guardian of Nominee.
  • In case of Accidental Death FIR, Post Mortem Report, Inquest Report, (if post-mortem report is unavailable, Magistrate or Officer In-charge permission to conduct burial without post-mortem)
  • Copy of other supporting medical documents (If Applicable)

2. For Hospitalization/Hospicash/IPD/OPD:

  • Claim Application Form
  • Copy of doctor’s prescription
  • Copy of diagnostic reports with X-Ray film (When applicable)
  • Original bills/money receipt (Copy/ Scan copy)
  • Discharge Certificate from Hospital/Clinic
  • Physician‘s written advice/prescription for hospital admission except in case of emergency situation
  • Any supporting documents as per merit of the disease /condition
After examining the documents Policyholder/Nominee shall be informed if need any clarifications or supporting documents. All submitted documents shall be verified by contacting with Policyholder, nominee and/ or other concerned persons/organizations if required.

If all the submitted documents comply with the contract benefit coverage, a claim shall be settled, disbursed and communicated accordingly with the Policyholder or his/her nominee.