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GHI Standard
  • Health Coverage
  • Premium
    Policy Duration: 1 Year Total Sum Insured ৳75,000

What is covered?

Hospitalization (IPD)
Coverage for in-patient treatment in a registered hospital


500 Tk. per claim
500 Tk. per claim
A fixed amount of medical expenses that are not paid by the insurance company
20% of Ancillary Service Bill
20% of Ancillary Service Bill
A percentage of medical expenses that are not paid by the insurance company
No Claim Discount
Up to 20%
Up to 20%
Discount on renewal premium if there were no claims in the previous year
Pre-existing Conditions
Not covered
Not covered
Coverage for pre-existing conditions/illnesses
Ambulance Expenses
Coverage for ambulance rental expenses
Hospital Confinement
21 Days
21 Days
Maximum number of days covered per Hospitalization
Room/Bed Rent
Up to 1,500 Tk.
Up to 1,500 Tk.
Maximum room/bed rent per day

Special Features

Covered after 9 months
Covered after 9 months
Coverage for maternity/child-birth related issues

What is not covered?

Congenital diseases/birth defects
Pre-existing Illness/Conditions
Infertility treatment
Obesity treatment
Suicide/self-inflicted injuries
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Waiting periods

Illness and Accidnet: 0 Days
Maternity: 9 Months
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Delivery Timeline

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Claim Process

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Tips for selecting the best plan
Look for plans with minimum Waiting Periods
Look for plans with low co-payment/co-insurance
Plans with OPD benefits provide coverage for out-door treatments
Choose plans with Cashless/Direct Payment Facility
If you worry about critical illnesses then look for plans with Critical Illness (CI) benefits
Need more help?
We are always here to assist you!
GHI Standard
  • Health Coverage
  • Premium
    Policy Duration: 1 Year Total Sum Insured ৳75,000

Hospitalization (IPD) Expenses Reimbursement Limits:

  • Hospital accommodation (including all room services): Actual cost (maximum BDT. 1,500 per day)
  • Consultant’s fee: Actual cost (maximum BDT. 500 per day)
  • Routine investigations: Actual cost (maximum BDT. 1,500 per hospitalization)
  • Medicine & drugs prescribed by the Consultant: Actual cost (maximum BDT. 6,000* per hospitalization)
  • Major surgical operation: Actual cost (maximum BDT. 15,000 per case)
  • Intermediate surgical operation: Actual cost (maximum BDT. 10,000 per case)
  • Ancillary Services: 80% of the total amount (maximum BDT. 8,000 per hospitalization)

(Ancillary Services include Labor room services, post-operative care facilities, Oxygen therapy, skilled nursing services, intensive care facility, blood transfusions, ambulance service, dressing, tests other than routine investigations, etc.)

*Where there are no claims in respect of surgical intervention, this limit is increased to BDT. 12,000


  • Policy liability for each Confinement shall be limited to a maximum of 21 days. Successive periods of hospital confinement within 90 days due to the same disability are considered a single period. But in no event shall the benefit exceed the limit set forth in the Schedule of this Policy.
  • All pre-hospitalization expenses and any minor Surgical operation are excluded where confinement in the hospital is not necessary or performed as an outdoor surgery.
  • If any insured is also covered for similar benefits under any other insurance Policy then payment of the claim shall be made on a pro-rata basis after taking into account the coverage under all Policies.
  • Any charges for food or food supplements (Horlicks, Viva, Bourn Vita, etc.), cosmetic creams or oils of any nature, water purifiers, etc. are excluded.
  • Maternal benefits for pregnancy or childbirth are covered only after 9 months from the commencement date of this Policy. Nevertheless, emergency hospitalization arising from the following complications of pregnancy is covered:
  • Hyperemesis gravid arum
  • Extras-uterine pregnancy
  • Eclipse of pregnancy
  • Intra-abdominal surgery after the termination of pregnancy


  • Any congenital infirmity
  • Any Pre-existing Conditions
  • Mental, emotional, or psychiatric disorders, alcoholism, or any other narcotic addiction
  • Prophylactic and immunization procedures
  • Any procedure which is experimental or not generally accepted by the medical profession (i.e.; acupuncture)
  • Any cosmetic or plastic treatment/surgery unless required as reconstructive surgery as a consequence of an injury due to accidents or burns
  • Rest, convalescence or rejuvenation cures, thermal baths, or confinement for the purposes of slimming or beautification
  • Family planning treatments including termination of pregnancy during the first twelve weeks from the date of conception, sterility
  • Willful abortion or any complication and/or sequel therefrom
  • Attempted suicide, violation or attempted violation of the law, injuries willfully or intentionally self-inflicted or due to insanity or under the influence of a drug
  • Routine examination of eye and ear, fitting or replacement of eyeglasses (including Contract lenses), or hearing aids
  • Routine physical examinations (health check-ups), radiotherapy (X-ray, radium or radioactive isotopes treatment), chemotherapy, or any form of treatment when not incidental or necessary to the treatment of the injury/illness which caused the hospitalization
  • Any dental treatment
  • Injury arising due to an accident while participating in any unlawful activities (e.g. driving a vehicle without a license)
  • Non-surgical care for tuberculosis
  • Injury or disease directly or indirectly attributed to civil commotion
  • Circumcision
  • Injury, destruction, or damage caused by nuclear fission, nuclear fusion, or irradiation
  • Treatment of a newborn child up to the age of 3 months
  • AIDS and HIV-related diseases

*Please read the policy wording document for detailed terms and conditions of this insurance policy.

  • Policy will be issued within 1 working day of ordering.
  • Cancellation is available until your policy is issued by the Insurance Company. Once the policy is issued, it cannot be cancelled or refunded.
Claim Process

Claims must be submitted within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of discharge from the hospital.

Please submit your claim using the Bimafy Mobile App or Website. Alternatively, you can submit your claim via email to: [email protected] by mentioning your full name and registered mobile phone number in the subject line.

Provide clear scanned copies of your treatment-related documents while submitting the claim. Please ensure all medical documents are properly dated and the Insured Person's name is mentioned on them.

List of required documents for claims:

Hospitalization (IPD) Expenses Reimbursement Claim

  • Doctor's advice/prescription/emergency ticket for hospital admission
  • Admission form
  • Discharge certificate
  • Treatment sheet
  • Diagnostic test reports
  • All bills
  • NID/Birth Certificate of the Insured Person
  • Any other available documents related to the treatment

If the Insured Person is not alive and the Nominee needs to submit the claim then he/she should contact Bimafy Customer Service for assistance.

What is Health Insurance?

Health insurance is a type of insurance policy that provides financial coverage against illness, diseases, and accident-related treatments. That means you can get financial benefit agaisnt your medical expenses if you have a health insurance policy. All you have to do is buy a good health insurance policy and renew it every year because you never know when an accident may happen or you get sick.

Bimafy offers various health insurance plans on its website and mobile app from where you can easily understand the terms and conditions and purchase online and get claims.

Why do you need a Health Insurance?
  • Health insurance provides coverage against unexpected illness or accidental injuries to better manage your financial situation in case of an emergency hospitalization or treatment.
  • Health insurance helps you to afford better healthcare services as you have the financial independence to seek quality healthcare services.
  • Health insurance ensures peace of mind as you are covered against unexpected situations and do not need to worry about spending your savings on treatment.

Types of Health Insurance Policies:
Hospitalization Coverage Policy

Almost all health insurance plans covers hospitalization expesnes. Some of the plans also covers hospitalization for maternity/child-birth cases after a waiting period. These plans usually come with a yearly total coverage amount up to which the you will get insurance benefit if you take treatment in a hospital.

An important note to consider here is that health insurance policies give back the medical expenses (subject to exclusion and deductibles) as per the hospital bill. You need to properly collect and preserve the medical documents and bills at the time of discharge to submit an insurance claim.

Hospitalization and OPD Coverage Policy

Health insurance policies also covers out-door treatment costs such as doctor consultation, diagnostic tests, prescription medicines, etc. Usually these type of plans are a bit more expensive in terms of yearly premium as they covers OPD (out-door) treatments. However, buying these types of health insurance plans are always a better idea since they provide coverage against serious illnesses which requires hospitalization as well as the minor ones which does not require hospital admission. These plans also come with a yearly total coverage amount for hospital treament and out-door treatments, up to which you can claim and get financial benefit.

Critical Illness Coverage Policy

A critical illness (CI) plan is a type of health insurance policy that provides a fixed benefit or reimbursement of expenses up to the coverage amount in case of a diagnosis of a life-threatening illness. Hence it is called the Critical Illness insurance. These plans usually cover severe or life-threatening diseases such as cancer, heart attack, stroke, coronary artery bypass surgery, major organ transplantation, etc. This list may include more diseases or illnesses based on the insurance company or plan. Critical illness health insurance policies are affordable and can be a lifesaver for you in an unfortunate situation.

Sometimes, critical illness coverages are bundled with a standard hospitalization health insurance policy so that you can get complete coverage simply by purchasing a single policy. Otherwise, you can buy a standard health insurance plan and get critical illness coverage separately to ensure better financial safety in an emergency.

Additional Benefits: If the health insurance is from a life insurance company then you may get an extra term life insurance coverage along with the health coverage without any additional premium. This can be a good option for you to secure your dependent family members in case any unfortunate event occurs to you.

Individual Plan vs Family Floater Plan, what is the difference?

This is a very common question when searching for a health insurance plan as often we want to have our family memers to be included under the health insurance coverage as illnesses/accidents do not happen to us only, they affect our families as well and we have to spend a lot of money for their treatment. Although, we may buy insruance policy for our parents or extended family members but there is a scenario where this question comes in.

An individual health insruance plan covers only a single person, be it yourself or your spouse, or father, or mother. On the other hand, family floater health insruance policy covers up to 4 persons (usually) under a single policy and the health coverage amount can be used for all family members included in the policy. In other words, family members (including yourself) can share the coverage of the policy. Apart from your spouse, in order to get coverage for your minor children, you may have to take a family floater plan as most individual health insurance plans cannot be purchased for persons aged below 18 years. So, if you have dependent children, in most cases, your best suited option is a family floater plan.

However, you have the freedom to buy seperate policies for each members of your family. But, the main advantage of buying a family floater plan is cost saving on the premium payment. Because, if you buy separate policies for each person, it will cost you more (though you will be able to ensure more coverage for each person - at a higher cost). So, if you are looking for an affordable health insruance plan for your family, then go for the family floater plans.

Why is Bimafy the best place to buy health insurance policies?

Bimafy ( is the first digital insurance platform in Bangladesh, from where you can easily buy the insurance policy you prefer or need and submit your insurance claims using the same platform, digitally. Bimafy is not an insurance company; it is a digital platform through which you can take the insurance services provided by various insurance companies using the website and mobile app. It is a new solution offered by Bimafy for the people of Bangladesh to make insurance easily accessible and more user-friendly.

Bimafy promotes and markets the insurance services of reputed insurance companies using its website and mobile app. People can now get many services through digital platforms like e-commerce, ride-sharing, doctor consultation, etc. But, before Bimafy, insurance was not available to people through digital channels, and Bimafy made it available to Bangladeshi people.

Through Bimafy, you can get the following insurance services: Health Insurance, Travel Insurance, Accident Insurance, Motor insurance, Life Insurance, and many more.

Bimafy is the best platform to get a health insurance policy for yourself and your loved ones. As it provides various insurance policies in one place, you can easily compare and select the best policy suited to your needs and budget. You can also check the terms, conditions, exclusions, and features of the policies before buying so that you can make an informed decision.

Bimafy not only helps you get the best insurance policy for you but also assists you in submitting the insurance claims digitally and getting the settlement as fast as possible.

Various reputed insurance companies provide their insurance services through Bimafy. You can get your suitable health insurance plan today without any hassle through online purchases or with just a phone call. Bimafy considers customer satisfaction the highest priority and aims to provide the best insurance experience you have ever enjoyed.

To know more about health insurance and for any other information, send us an email or call Bimafy Customer Support.

Customer Support Hotline: +88 09606991991

Email Address: [email protected]