Akij Takaful Life Insurance PLC

Akij Takaful Life Insurance PLC Registration Number: C-169215/2021

Date of Registration: 25/02/2021

Akij Takaful Life Insurance PLC started its journey in 2021 to provide transparently and trusted life insurance service to its policy holders with a new and existing ethical perspective to risk management in the Bangladesh Life Insurance Market. We operate on an ethical and moral foundation that intends to improve societal welfare

Mission Statement

To provide the most ethical and dynamic insurance services that offer enduring value to Policyholders

State-of-the-art Technology

Society that is benefited

Our Core Values:

Our values at Aki Takaful transcend throughout the entire organization. These principles will guide us to succeed in all our operations, from our day-to-day activities to customer

satisfaction product development These values can be highlighted as follows:

#Shariah Compliance, Transparency, Integrity, #Accountability, Innovative

Our Belief:

We believe that clients must stand at the center of all our activities. We can optimally fulfill the client's needs based on risk management with minimum cost and personalized services