Alpha Islami Life Insurance Ltd.

Alpha Islami Life Insurance LIM. (ALL) has emerged a fourth generation Company working in the e Insurance sector. It has been established attaining the license for doing business on February 24, 2014 from regulatory body of Insurance Industhes namely insurance Development and Regulatory Authority (IDRA) Under the Ministry of Finance of Government of Bangladesh . Out of the 14 Companies of this this generation ALL is the last but one Company started view to consolidate  in place of conventional interest based insurance business. Alpha Islami Life Insurance Limited is a innovative specialist provider of conventional and Group coverage in the national group insurance protection market. In order to foster the religious solt comer of the people of Bangladesh, this company has been lamed by leading successful business men & renowned group of Companies of the County

The Company Management is comprised of of a group of highly educated professionals having local and international job experience, keeping  with the changing needs of peoples our Product development team engaged in upgrading the services of the company by diversifying our products within the purviews of the islamic Shariah and legal framework in force