BAIRA Life Insurance Company Limited

BAIRA Life Insurance Company Limited is a public limited company incorporated on 26th April 2000 under the Companies Act 1994. Our Certificate of incorporation No. is C-40139(2107)2000 & TIN No. 619813788514 The company has entitled business commencement certificate from Registrar of Joint Stock Companies dated on 26th April 2000. It has BDT 50,00,00,000 authorized capital and BDT 18.21,60,000 paid-up capital. The registered office of the Company is situated at Mahtab Center (9th Floor), 177, Shahid Syed Nazrul Islam Sharani, Bijoynagar, Dhaka-1000 Bangladesh. The company is a life insurer licensed by formerly Insurance Directorate, under Ministry of Commerce. People's Republic of Bangladesh, presently Insurance Development & Regulatory Authority (IDRA), under Ministry of Finance; operating business in Bangladesh. The company sells individual life insurance policy and Group life insurance policy. All our sponsor shareholders are member of BANGLADESH ASSOCIATION OF INTERNATIONAL RECRUITING AGENCIES (BAIRA) Mr. Afsar Ahmed, FCA, AIA is an Actuary and SCOR Global Life SE of France is a Reinsurer of our company.