Chartered Life Insurance Company Limited

Chartered Life Insurance Company Limited is a public limited company incorporated on 29th July 2013 under the Companies Act 1994. The company has been issued a business commencement certificate from RJSC dated 30th July 2013. It has an authorized capital of 250 crores and a paid-up capital of 22.50 crores. The registered office of the Company is situated at Islam Tower (8th Floor), 464/H, DIT Road, West Rampura, Dhaka-1219, Bangladesh. The company is a life insurer licensed by the Insurance Development & Regulatory Authority (IDRA), operating business in Bangladesh. The company sells individual life insurance policies and group life insurance policies. It offers a wide variety of insurance products that fulfill the requirements of CLICL's present and prospective policyholders. Currently, CLICL operates business in our country through 32 sales offices, 24 branch offices, and 14 unit offices. Besides, CLICL boasts high-profile business figures who are sponsors of the company, such as Unique Group, Energypac Group, GPH Power Generation Ltd, and Golden Oil Mills Ltd. Mr. Afsar Uddin Ahmed FCA, AIA, is an Actuary, and Trust Re is a reinsurer of CLICL.

Address : Islam Tower (8th Floor) 464/H, D. I. T Road, West Rampur, Dhaka-1219