Islami Insurance Bangladesh Limited

Islami Insurance Bangladesh Limited (IIBL) was incorporated as a General (Non-life) Insurance Company on 25 October, 1999 under the Companies Act-1994. The Company is the first shariah based Non-life Insurance Company in the private sector of the Country The Board of Directors of the Company consists of well-known and reputad personalities of the Country IIBL have a Shariah Council which is comprises of well-known and veteran islamic Scholars of the Country Shariah Council monitors the financial & other affairs of the Company under the overall supervision of the Board of Directors The Company manned with very experienced and technically qualified personnel poised to offer best & smooth services to the valued clients and pays top most prionty on prompt settlement of claims. The Company is listed with Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) & Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE) since 26 October 2009. IIBL is the member of Bangladesh Insurance Association (BIA) and Bangladesh Association of Publicly Listed Company (BAPLC). About Janata Insurance Company Limited Janata Insurance Company Ltd (JICL) a first generation Non-Life Irisurance Company in the private Insurance sector. The company was incorporated and commenced its business asa Public Limited Company with a view to run all types of Insurance business except Life Insurance in Bangladesh. It commenced business operations from Novertiber 6, 1986 atter obtaining Registration Certificate from the Office of the Chief Controller of Insurance (CCh IDRA The Paid-up Capital of Taka 443,98 million and authorized capital of Taka 1000.00 million of the Company sponsored by a group of leading entrepreneurs/industrialist of our Country having involvement in various socio-economical sectors. By the passage of time. The company was Initial Public Offered in 1994 and raised its paid-up capital by issuing rights shares in the year 2011. The Company's ownership is prudently distributed to Sponsor Direc tors 39.05% and 60.95% to General Public including Financial Institutions The management team is highly qualified professionals. The Board is Chaired by Mr. Zafrul Islam Chowdhury and steered by Mr. Mohammad Abu Bakkar Siddique as the Chief Executive Officer of the Company. The future plans of the Company include increasing business volume by recruiting potential man power with technical know-how in the Non-Life Insurance business sectar, implementing progressive marketing strategies and rendering quality and swift services.