National Life Insurance Company Limited

The era of private sector Life Insurance business started in Bangladesh with the establishment of National Life Insurance Company Limited in the year 2015 The motto of the company is to ensure guarantee for a planned future of its policy holdens The visions of the company a to encourage and induce saving practice to create and provide employment opportunity, & capital formation at national level for investment. The company has grown & developed massively and substantially over a period of about 37 years. The company has diversified its products to match customers needs and preferences. Curranty it provides multifarious life assurance products to cater the aspirations & needs as well as religious beliefs of clients. Benefits to the policyholder of NLI are high as they are now enjoying high level rale of policy bonus compared to other competent companies. The members of the Board of Directors are resourceful people imbued with the spirit of social service, which the company stands for and are leaders in other professions, marketing and private enterprise. They are equipped with their specialized knowledge to run the company skillfully & maintain an unparallel position at the insurance arena, Hence, the company is positioning almost top listed private company Under the strong leadership of Chairman Mr. Morshed Alam MP and Chief Executive Officer a veteran insurance personality Md. Kazim Uddin, company is progressing consistently and maintaining nigh insurance market share in Bangladesh