NRB Islamic Life Insurance Limited

NRB Islamic Life Insurance Limited is emerging as one of the leading full-fledged Islami Life Insurance Companies in order to bring confidence among the common people of the country We are aiming to be the premier Islami Life Insurance company in Bangladesh within the next few years. We will serve the policy holders with utmost care and provide the best solution for their needs. We will be a company with due solemnity and corporate social responsibility to the society upheld by taking financial risks. Vision Adhering to Shariah Law, we promise to provide best insurance service to ensure socio-economic development, sustainable progress and future security at individual and family level. Mission To strictly abide by Shariah Principles in day-to-day business affairs. To refrain from unethical practices and protect the values of Islam. Ensuring Good Governance with utmost dedication. To provide best possible services for ensuring security of our clients. To build dynamic, professional, and intelligent management team. To ensure Service-oriented innovative policies. Technology-based innovation of new products and ensuring best customer-oriented service.