Padma Islami Life Insurance Limited

Padma Islami Life Insurance Limited was established on 26th April 2000. The Company has within a short span of time established itself as one of the most reputed and trustworthy Islami Life Insurance companies in private sector of the country. Selective customer service, underwriting of liabilities and prompt settlement of claims have contributed towards building up a very respectable image of the company within the business community. The Company started with a paid up capital of Tk. 30 million against an Authorized Capital of Tk. 100 million. The Company went for Public issue in 2011 and is listed in both Dhaka Stock Exchange Limited and Chittagong Stock Exchange Limited on April 08, 2012 & March 14, 2012. Now the present paid up Capital stands to Tk. 388 million and Authorized Capital of Tk. 1000 million