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Biker Bima
  • Coverage
  • Premium
    Policy Duration: 1 Year Total Sum Insured ৳50,000

What is covered?

Accidental Injury
Coverage for treatment of Accidental Injuries


Pre-existing Conditions
Not Covered
Not Covered
Coverage for pre-existing conditions/illnesses
Covered Injuries
All minor and major injuries
All minor and major injuries
Injury types that are covered under the policy

What is not covered?

Pre-existing conditions
Illegal activity/felony
Self-inflicted injury, suicide/attempted suicide
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Waiting periods

Accident: 0 Day
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Claim Process

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Biker Bima
  • Coverage
  • Premium
    Policy Duration: 1 Year Total Sum Insured ৳50,000

  • Coverage duration: 1 year from the date of purchase
  • For any Bangladeshi citizen aged between 18 and 59 years.
Up to BDT. 50,000 Accidental Injury coverage due to road traffic accidents as per the following:
  • Severe head injury: BDT. 50,000
  • Chest injury, Internal injury: BDT. 25,000
  • Fracture, dislocation, amputation of a limb (or part of a limb), 2nd/3rd-degree burn: BDT. 15,000
  • Soft tissue injury, cut injury, multiple abrasions, 1st-degree burn: BDT. 2,500
*Multiple claims can be raised during the coverage period until the total coverage of BDT. 50,000 is over

  • Any pre-existing conditions.
  • Any mental, emotional, and psychiatric disorders.
  • Any condition/accident due to consuming addictive substances.
  • Any accident due to performing any illegal activity (i.e., driving without a valid license, participating in competitions/races/stunts, etc.)
  • Death caused by self-inflicted injury or the commission of or attempted commission of an assault or any unlawful act, or being engaged in any illegal activity or felony;
  • Suicide while sane or insane;
If any one person or individual subscribes multiple times to this insurance policy or any other similar policy provided by the Insurance Company then only one claim shall be accepted against a single illness or injury. Multiple claims under different subscriptions against a single illness or injury shall not be accepted.

*Please read the policy wording document for detailed terms and conditions of this insurance policy.

  • Policy will be issued immediately after purchase.
  • Cancellation or refund is not applicable for this policy.
Claim Process

Claims must be submitted within 30 (thirty) days from the date of the accident.

If you face an accident and get injured, please go to the nearest hospital or registered doctor's chamber for treatment. Please collect and preserve all medical documents and bills to submit the claim. A list of required claim documents is provided below:

Required Documents for Accidental Injury claim:

  • Copy of NID and Valid Driving License of the Insured Person
  • Doctor’s Prescription/Advice for hospitalization (in applicable cases)
  • Discharge Certificate (in applicable cases)
  • All Bills from hospital/clinic/doctor's chamber
  • All medical reports such as X-Ray, City Scan, MRI, or such relevant reports
  • Any other supporting documents (if required)

Please submit your claim using the Bimafy Mobile App or Website. Alternatively, you can submit your claim via email to: [email protected] by mentioning your full name and registered mobile phone number on the subject.

Provide clear scanned copies of your treatment-related documents while submitting the claim.

If the Insured Person is not alive and the Nominee needs to submit the claim then he/she should contact Bimafy Customer Service for assistance.

What is an Accident Insurance?

Accident insurance is a type of insurance where the policyholder or insured person is paid directly in the event of an accident resulting in an injury to the insured person. The insured can spend the benefit payment however they choose. While accidents and their causes vary wildly, the general definition of an accident is an unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally, typically resulting in an injury.

Why should I have an Accident Insurance policy?

Everyone should have a personal Accident Insurance policy because we never know when an accident may occur. Every day we live through some uncertain risks that may affect us negatively, such as road traffic accidents, workplace injuries, and even accidents within our homes while performing our regular life. So, it is always wise to have an accident insurance policy that pays compensation in case of accidental injuries. Moreover, Accident Insurance policies are affordable in terms of price and provide excellent coverage against accident-related mishaps.

What are the types of Accident Insurance?

Generally, there are two types of Accident Insurance available in Bangladesh. One pays benefits against temporary disablement or injuries due to an accident, and the other pays benefits against permanent disabilities due to an accident. Accident Insurance may sometimes compensate the nominee if the insured person dies due to an accident. Please check the policy details before purchasing Accident Insurance for yourself or your loved ones.

Which Accident Insurance policies can I get at Bimafy?

Bimafy offers all types of Accident Insurance to customers. Biker Bima for motorcycle users is the most famous accident insurance policy, which pays fixed benefits against injuries due to road traffic accidents. The Peoples's Personal Accident (PPA) policy is another very affordable accident insurance policy that pays benefits against accidental death and permanent disabilities.
